People walking together pushing wheelchair

Mental Health in Men after Acquired Brain Injury

Join us for a 45-minute session exploring the specific challenges men face after an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). We will discuss common issues, best practices for support, and the roles and responsibilities of professionals in ensuring effective rehabilitation and long-term wellbeing.

Training details

This session will be led by Mark, Senior Clinical Manager at N-Able Services and head of the new Doncaster Hub. With extensive experience in Case Management and specialist roles within Statutory Services, Mark has worked as both a Clinical Manager and an Associate Case Manager, focusing on individuals affected by ABI. His background also includes work as a Brain Injury Social Worker and a Social Work Manager in hospital settings.

  • 25/2/2025

This session will cover

  • Common issues experienced by men after ABI.
  • Best practices for providing support.
  • Roles and responsibilities of professionals in rehabilitation and long-term wellbeing.

Watch here

Training facilitators

Knowledge Hub is a trading style of Frenkel Topping Group PLC which is registered in England and Wales no: 04726826
Registered Office Address: Frenkel House, 15 Carolina Way, Salford, M50 2ZY
